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How to Take Meeting Notes Effectively

If you’re in a one-on-1 call with your client or in a meeting with a number of participants making notes is vital to keep in mind the details discussed. If you’re struggling to take effective notes, it might be difficult to keep track with the whole meeting or remember important details when you return to your desk. These tips will assist you in improving your note-taking abilities so that you’re able to attend more effective, organized meetings in the future.

Choose a method to take notes that suits you. There are a few common methods to consider, such as the Cornell method, which divides your notes into a smaller column on the left and a bigger column on the right. The smaller column is meant to highlight the main ideas of the discussion and the larger column focuses on the details. At the bottom of the page you can jot down a brief summary of the meeting to connect it all.

Keep your notes simple. It’s easy to get lost in the minutiae of taking notes, but you must to focus on what’s most important to ensure that your notes will be useful to those who review them later. Try not to copy verbatim; instead, use shorthand or symbols that will be easily recognizable when you review your notes later.

The ideal scenario is that your team communicate the agenda of the meeting in advance to allow you to prepare an outline prior to the meeting. This will eliminate the trouble of recording key points in the meeting and help you stay focused throughout the discussion.

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